Monday, April 12, 2010


A lot of us are continually looking for the ideal health food. Low in sodium, fat, and that magic word, calories.It needs to meet all these criteria and in addition, must diminish our appetite

I like to think I've found the answer. ..and it lies right under our noses.


WHAT!!! Those flat, tasteless pieces of board that were first baked thousands of years ago in
Egypt with just wheat flour and water. That's right, it's the perfect food to meet today's
exacting standards for good health. Thought to be a food mainly used by the Jewish
people, if you read the ingredients and nutrition value on the box, you'll quickly find it
meets all the criteria for an excellent health food.

As far as taste, there are a number of brands, one of which may surprise you. It is tasteful and you can always smear a slight bit of jelly on it. Won' t add very much of the forbidden
ingredients. Not only is it tasty (in my opinion), but imprinted on the boxes are original drawings created by two very talented Israeli artists including The Story of Exodus.

So not only are you maintaining good health, you get to enjoy the drawings as well.

The name of the Matzah is OSEM, ISRAELI matzah. You should be able to find it in most Deli's and Supermarkets.

I get no compensation for this, just the reward that brings good health to you and the pleasure of making this discovery. The marketers get a Marketing Mistake award for not promoting this matzah as a valuable health food


  1. Also an award for not marketing it as The Great Constipator.

  2. Oh come now...just take a stool softner and continue to enjoy the benefits.

  3. oh come now ... just take a stool softner and continue to enjoy the benefits.
